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Yang Shuojie

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Yang Shuobin Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title Associate professor
Email yangshuobin@nenu.edu.cn Major Educational Management and Policy
Research Area 1.School Management and Education Policy
2.Cross-fertilisation of university disciplines
3.Governance of University Grassroots Academic Organizations
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

2003-2009年 Obtained bachelor and master's degrees from Northeast Normal University and obtained doctor’s degree in the major of Educational Economics and Management from Northeast Normal University in 2019.

Academic Achievements:

1.Risks and avoidance of cross-disciplinary organizational model innovation in colleges and universities under the perspective of organizational inertia, Jiangsu Higher Education, 2023(06).

2.New ideas of traditional monastic "friendship" education and the cultural governance of student bullying, Educational Development Research, 2019(12).

3.Ontological Reconstruction and Implications of Aesthetic Education in the Early Period of Reform and Opening Up: Focusing on Educationalists such as Chen Yuanhui, Huang Ji, and Chen Kemei, Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2019(8).

4.The significance of Tsinghua Institute of National Studies in the construction of "double first-class" - the perspective of academic organisation governance, College Education Management, 2018 (06).

5.Exploring the modernisation of university faculty governance in the context of "double first-class": the perspective of self-organisation theory, Educational Development Research, 2018 (06).

上一篇:Yang Qingxi
下一篇:Zhang Jingwei

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