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Yang Qingxi

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Yang Qingxi Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title Professor
Email yangqx779@nenu.edu.cn Major Principles of Education
Research Area 1. Basic Education Reform and Development
2. Teacher Education
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

2002/09—2006/07 Bachelor of Education in the major of from the School of Educational Sciences, Northeast Normal University

2006/09—2008/07 Master of Education in the major of Principles of Education from the School of Educational Sciences, Northeast Normal University

2011/09—2015/06 Doctor of Education in the major of Principles of Education from the School of Educational Sciences, Northeast Normal University

2015/11-2020/11 Postdoctoral fellow at the Postdoctoral Mobile Station of Psychology at the Faculty of Education/School of Psychology, Northeast Normal University

Academic Achievements:

1.Yang Qingxi,Pang Yuge. Multiple Collaboration: A Practical Reflection on the Main Body of After-school Service Work[J]. Journal of Sichuan Normal University (Social Science Edition),2022(05)

2.Wu Zhihui,Yang Qingxi. What Kind of Basic Public Education Service System is Needed in the New Development Stage? [J]. Chinese Journal of Education,2022(07). Reprinted by Xinhua Digest, 2022(20).

3.Yang Qingxi, Wu Zhihui. The Blockage Point of After-School Service in Compulsory Education Schools and Its Countermeasures to Unblock It[J]. Education Development Research, 2021 (15-16). Reprinted by Xinhua Digest, 2021 (23)

4.Yang Qingxi, Liu Haimin. High-quality and Balanced: the Way of the Times for the High-Quality Development of China's Compulsory Education[J]. Journal of Northeast Normal University, 2020(06). Abstracts of Arguments of Xinhua Digest, 2021(05).

5.Yang Qingxi. The need to accurately position educational practice for Rural Left-Behind Children[J]. Chinese Journal of Education, 2019(04)

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