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Xie Xiaoyu

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Xie Xiaoyu Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Female Professional Title Associate professor
Email xiexy201@nenu.edu.cn Major Comparative Education
Research Area 1. Comparative Education
2. Higher education
3. Teacher education
Instruction Language English

Educational Background:

1. 2002.09-2006.06 Bachelor of Arts in the major of English from the School of Foreign language, Changchun University

2. 2006.09-2008.06 Master of Education from the Faculty of Education, Northeast Normal University

3. 2014.09-2017.06 Doctor of Education from the Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University

Academic Achievements:

1. Xie Xiaoyu. Western Research on Teachers' Attention: Internal Implications, Developmental Levels and Evaluation Methods[J]. Comparative Education Research, May 2022

2. Xie Xiaoyu. Western Debates on the Connotations, Attributes and Influences of Critical Thinking[J]. Comparative Educational Research, March 2021

3. Xie Xiaoyu. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes in US Colleges and Universities: Connotations, Implementation and Challenges[J]. Research in Foreign Education, May 2021

4. Xie Xiaoyu, Rao Congman. The Debate on Student Learning Outcomes Assessment in US Colleges and Universities[J]. Research in Higher Education, July 2019

5. Xie Xiaoyu. Characterisation of Student Learning Outcomes Assessment in US Colleges and Universities - An Example from the University of Wisconsin-Madison[J]. Research in Educational Development, May 2019

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