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Wu Xiaopeng

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Wu Xiaopeng Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title Professor
Email Wuxp722@nenu.edu.cn Major Curriculum and Pedagogy
Research Area 1.Curriculum and Teaching
2.Mathematics Education
3.Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

2019—2021  Joint Ph.D. Program with China Scholarship Council in the major of Educational Measurement,

at Purdue University, USA.

2017—2021  Doctor’s degree in the major of Curriculum and Pedagogy from East China Normal University

2012—2015  Master’s degree in the major of Subject Teaching (Mathematics) from Northwest Normal University

2006—2010  Bachelor’s degree in the major of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics from Northwest Normal University

Academic Achievements:

Wu, X., Wu, R., Hanley, C., Liu, H., & Liu, J. (2023). How to better balance academic achievement and learning anxiety from time on homework? A multilevel and classification and regression tree analyses. Front. Psychol. 14:1130274(SSCI,Q1)

Wu X, Wu R, Chang H-H, et al(2021)Research on Construction Method of Learning Path and Learning Progression Based on Cognitive Diagnosis Assessment [J]. Assessment in education: Principles Policy & Practice,2021.9. (SSCI,Q1)

Wu X, Xv T, Zhang Y. (2021). Research on The Data Analysis Knowledge Assessment of Pre-Service Teachers Based on Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment[J]. Current Psychology. 2021.5.6  (SSCI,Q1)

Wu X, Wu R, Chang H-H, et al. (2021). A Comparative Study on Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment of Mathematical Key Competencies and Learning Trajectories[J]. Current Psychology. 2021(SSCI,Q1)

The Framework, Stance and Inspiration of the Assessment Criteria of American High School Mathematics
Teaching Materials[J]. Research on Foreign Education,2019,46(10):71-8.(CSSCI)

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