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Wang Haiying

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Wang Haiying Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Female Professional Title Associate Professor
Email Wanghy944@nenu.edu.cn Major Education
Research Area 1.Professional Development for Rural Teachers
2.Rural School Change and Educational Leadership
3.Rural School Curriculum Development and Student Development
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

1999.09—2003.06: Bachelor of Education from the School of Education, Northeast Normal University

2003.09—2009.06: Doctor of Education from the School of Education, Northeast Normal University(Combined Master’s and Ph.D. Program)

Academic Achievements:

Published Works:

1. Wang Haiying. Research on Mechanism and Practice of Balanced Development of County Compulsory Education[M].Northeast Normal University Press, 2018.

Published Papers:

1. Wang Haiying. Rural Teachers: Re-establishing Your Identity[N]. Guangming Daily, 2019-8-27 (p. 15).

Wang Haiying. Let Classroom Teacher Become an Attractive Job Position[M]. Guangming Daily, 2016-9-22 (page 15).

2. Wang Haiying. Resident Social Workers "Embedded" in Rural Boarding Schools: Issues and Strategies[J], Contemporary Educational Science, 2015 (11).

3.Wang Haiying. The Direction Choice of Rural School Layout Adjustment--Another Discussion on the Dispute of "Withdrawal and Deposit" of Rural Schools[J]. Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), No. 5, 2010.

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