FLOATING LIFE is an original modern dance drama created by School of Music of Northeast Normal University. It narrates the vicissitudes of life of a widow and her three children. The dying mother cut her plait into three pieces and distributed them to her young children. The lives of the three siblings parted since then…
Time to get the tickets: 8:30-11:00AM 14:00-17:00PM, August 24 to 26
Place to get the tickets: International Students Office (Room 624)
Gathering time and place: 18:00 August 26 (Friday) at the 1F of International Students Dormitory. ISO will arrange bus to the 长春市群众艺术馆观演厅(Address: 长春市南关区谊民路966号) together.
First come first served. All international teachers and students are welcome to watch the show!