Dear CSC Scholarship Students,
In accordance with Registration Requirements made
by China Scholarship Council(《关于做好2016/2017学年中国政府奖学金来华留学生报到注册工作的通知》), the continuing students and new students who have not registered
in the International Students Office of Northeast Normal University on August
15 to 19 should complete the registration process before September 25.
Otherwise the China Scholarship Council will not provide scholarship for them
in the 2016/2017 academic year. Those who will register late without informing
the International Students Office in advance will be regarded as truants based
on the university regulations. And their poor performance will be taken into
consideration in the Annual Review, which will influence the scholarship of the
next academic year. Please share this notice with other CSC students.
Division of International
Cooperation and Exchange
Northeast Normal University
August 25, 2016