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Administrative Measures of Visas

发布日期:2011-11-09    作者:     来源:     点击:

Visa administration is one of the duties of Foreign Students’ Office of Office International Cooperation and Exchange of NENU (hereinafter referred to the Foreign Students’ Office). The Foreign Students’ Office is in charge of the provision of consultation service for foreign students’ application for visas, issuing relevant official letters, and the provision of collective visa application of foreign students at the beginning of each semester. This measure is designed to specify NENU’s foreign students’ visa management .During their stay in china, foreign students shall comply with procedures for alien entry into and exit from the People's Republic of China and go through the formalities, including entry, residence, change, transfer, departure, etc., in accordance with NENU’s regulations.

I.Residence permit  

From September 1st, 2013, new students shall go to NENU to study, with X1 or X2 visa provided.Foreign Students’ Officewill arrange for their residence permit collectively, within 30 days after they come to NENU. The validity of X2 visa is 180 days, in general cases. If students with X2 visas want to continue their study, they can only transact one deferred stay of only 180 days. In principle, visas of other types cannot get deference. Students who want to transact the deference of a residence permit shall report toForeign Students’ Officeto apply one month before the Expiration Date.


During the period of schooling, foreign students who apply for transfer shall go toForeign Students’ Officeto go through the formalities of transfer .And they shall go to the police station to go through the formalities of visa transfer, with the recommendation letters issued byForeign Students’ Officeand their passports provided.

III.Departure (dropout)

During the period of schooling, foreign students who apply for drop out shall go to Foreign Students’ Office to transact the formalities of dropout. The applicants shall go to the police station to transact the formalities of visa transfer, with the recommendation letters issued by Foreign Students’ Office and their passports provided. And they shall depart from China with the validity of visas.

IV.Round trip formalities

Foreign students who go to other countries or regions of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan of China shall go to the relevant departments to go through the formalities, with the recommendation letters issued byForeign Students’ Officeand their passports provided.

V.Passport loss

If foreign students lose their passports, they shall report to the Foreign Students’ Office in time, go to the police station in Changchun to make declaration of passport loss and re-apply for the visas in their own national embassies in China

Visas are the identification certificates of foreigners’ legal stay in China. Beyond the validity period of the visa, their stay in China is illegal. People with illegal stay in China will get the punishment of being fined or being expelled from China. The principles of punishment are: foreigners stay in China after the validity of visa will be fined RMB 500 Yuan for one day, calculating by day. In the cases of severe violation, the foreigners will be expelled from China. It is suggested that foreign students should go to Foreign Students’ Office to go through relevant formalities, within the validities of their visas.

Please consult Foreign Students’ Officefor more information. 0431-85099754.

Foreign Students’ Office

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