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The Application for the Certificate of no Criminal Conviction

发布日期:2013-07-02    作者:     来源:     点击:

Regulations on the Application for the Certificate of no Criminal Conviction

I.Applicant qualifications

1. Foreign students who have been studying in NENU for more than one year (including one year);

2. Internal foreign students and foreign students who have left school for not more than two years;

3. Foreign students who have no illegal and undisciplined behaviors.

II. The materials needed in the application for the certificate of no criminal conviction

1. The unit from the other side’s official letter from which indicates it needs NENU to assist in applying for the certificate of no criminal conviction shall be presented.(such as the letter issued by the notary office to  assist in the investigation on non criminal punishment; the letters of assistance in the investigation of the certificate of no criminal conviction issued by the state organs ,etc. )

2. The content of the application letter shall include the personal information of the applicants and his or her beginning and ending time of school study (year and month) and statement of detailed performance (the performance at school, the record of violation of regulation and laws)

III. Certificates needed in applying forthe certificate of no criminal conviction

1. Passports and the passport copies of applicants;

2. Students who entrust others to apply shall present the original power of attorney accredited personally and the identity documents of the trustees.

In conformance to with the above conditions, Foreign Students’ Office of Northeast Normal University will issue the recommendation letter of a certificate of no criminal conviction.

Office of International Cooperation and Exchange
July 2nd, 2013

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