Educational Background:
2004—2008 Bachelor of Arts in the major of Japanese Language from the School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University
2008—2010 Master of Arts in the major of Japanese Language and Literature from the School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University
2011—2019 Doctor of Arts in the major of Modern and Contemporary Japanese Literature from Hokkaido University
2019—2022 Postdoctoral Fellow in the major of Comparative and World Literature at the School of Literature, Northeast Normal University
Academic Achievements:
1. Chang Sijia, Yasunari Kawabata's Cultural Activities as a "Literary Politician" in Showa Japan[J]. Foreign Literature Review,2022.2 (CSSCI)
3.常思佳,「『浅草紅団』をめぐる「舞台の詩」――ジャン・コクトー『エッフェル塔花嫁花婿』(1921)を手がかりに」,『比較文学』第61号,2019 .3