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Chen Yanxu

发布日期:2023-12-01    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Chen Yanxu Mentor Type Master’s supervisor 、Doctoral supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title professor
Email chenyx525@nenu.edu.cn Major English language and literature
Research Area 1.Foreign Literature
3.Language Education
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

2000.9-2004.7: Bachelor of Arts in the major of English Education from the School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University

2004.9-2006.7: Master of Arts in the major of English Language and Literature from the School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University

2009.9-2013.6 :  Doctor of Arts in the major of English Language and Literature from the School of Foreign Languages, Northeast Normal University

Academic Achievements:

1. Writing Nordic culture in The Pirates: Scott's view of the construction of British national identity[J]. Foreign Literature Review,2020.4,113-133.

2. Why Doesn't She Mourn? --An Analysis of Ethical and Emotional Issues in "The First Song of Gudrunne [J]. Foreign Literature Review ,2020.4,41-53.

3. “Evil”and “Englishness”in Lord of the Flies[J]. Contemporary Foreign Literature,2019.3,102-111.

4. On the Gentleman Vision and the Community Ideals in Alton Locke[J]. Foreign Language Research ,2019.2,114-120.

5. "From the intellectual to the common folks" or "From the the common folks to the intellectual "? --An Alternative Communication Path for Chinese Culture Going Global[J]. Journal of Xi'an International Studies University,2018.4,91-96.

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