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Wang Yuan

发布日期:2023-11-30    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Wang Yuan Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Female Professional Title Associate Professor
Email wangy173@nenu.edu.cn Major Psychology
Research Area 1.executive function plasticity
2.Delayed gratification and decision-making across time
3.Media Multitasking and Adolescent Mental Health
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

2007/09-2010/06, Doctor’s degree from the Department of Psychology, School of Educational Science, Northeast Normal University

2004/09-2007/06, Master’s degree from the Department of Psychology, School of Educational Science, Northeast Normal University

2000/09-2004/06, Bachelor’s degree from the Department of Psychology, School of Educational Science, Northeast Normal University

Academic Achievements:

Published Papers:

1. Effects and Moderators of Computer-Based Training on Children's Executive Functions A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis[J]. Frontiers in Psychology, 2020,11.

2. Training and transfer effects of response inhibition training with online feedback on adolescents and adults’ executive function[J]. Acta Psychologica Sinica ,2020,52(10).

3. Readiness: The Mediating Role of Group Composition[J]. Journal of Soochow University(Educational Science Edition) . 2020,8(3).

4. Video Game Training and its Transfer Effects on Executive Function[J]. Journal of Psychological Science ,2019,4.

5. Influence on Implicit Aggression by Social Synchrony: Evidence from Eye Movements of Attention Bias[J]. Psychological Exploration,2018,7.

Published Works:

1. The relationship between the components of self-regulation and the level of development of theory of mind in children aged 3-5 years[M], China Social Science Press, 2017.1.

上一篇:Wang Pingping
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