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Deng Tao

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Deng Tao Mentor Type Master’s supervisor、Doctoral supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title Professor
Email dengt397@nenu.edu.cn Major Comparative Education
Research Area 1.Teacher Education
2. Comparative Education
3.School Curriculum and Teaching
Instruction Language English

Educational Background:

1991.9-1993.7 Branch of Education from the School of Foreign Languages, Anhui University of Science and Technology

1994.9-1997.7 Bachelor of Education from the School of Foreign Languages,Hefei Normal University

2000.9-2003.6 Master of Education from the Institute of International and Comparative Education,Northeast Normal University

2003.7-2008.6 Doctor of Education from the Institute of International and Comparative Education,Northeast Normal University

Academic Achievements:

1. Deng Tao.The Reform of Teacher Education Program Accreditation in Australia:Updating the Concept anf Reconstructing the Standard[J].Journal of Higher Education,2018(12):98-106.

2. Deng Tao.American Teacher Preparation Accreditation Reform: Reconstructing Agency and Renewing Standards[J].Teacher Education Research,2016(01):110-115.

3. Deng Tao. A Case Study on the Implementation of the "Thesis Package" for Doctor of Education[J]. Degree and Postgraduate Education,2014(11):62-67.

4. Deng Tao.The Generation Evolution and Improvement of Ed.D. in Australia[J].Studies in Foreign Education,2015(03):101-110.

5. Deng Tao. Reform of Doctoral Dissertations in American Education: Theoretical Explorations and Practice patterns[J]. Degree and Graduate Education 2014(02):72-77.

6. Deng,T. Chinese Preschool Teachers’ Use of Concept Development Strategies in Whole-Group Math Lessons and its Effectiveness[J].Early Education and Development,https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/heed20,2022-04-25.

7. Deng,T.. The Relation Between Adult Anxious Attachment and Mental Health among Chinese Pre-service Teachers: The Role of Negative Coping Style and Social Support[J].Asia-Pacific Education Researcher,  https://rdcu.be/cYQNS, 2022-11-02.

8. Li,Y; Deng,T and Kanske,P.Affective empathy mediates the positive effect of prosocial video gameson young children's sharing behavior[J]. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT,Jul-sep 2023.

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