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Chen Xin

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Chen Xin Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title Associate professor
Email chenx@nenu.edu.cn Major Education
Research Area 1. Comparative education
2. Teacher education
3. Higher education
Instruction Language English、else( Japanese )

Educational Background:

2001.04-2005.03 Doctor of Education from Hiroshima University

1993.09-1995.12 Master of Education from Northeast Normal University

Academic Achievements:

1.Social Changes and the Revival of Liberal Education in China since the 1990s. Asia Pacific Education Review. Vol.5 (1). pp. 1-13. 2004

2.文革期における毛沢東の教育思想と大学のカリキュラム改革―北京大学を事例として  『広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要』第53号、133-142頁。2004

3.The Reform of Specialization System in Chinese Higher Education. Journal of Educational Studies Vol.49. pp. 157-162. 2003

4.教養教育の復興:1990年代以降の中国における学士課程カリキュラムの改革 『大学教育学会誌』第25巻第2号、96-104頁。 2003

5.Curricular Reform of China's Universities in the Early 1980s. Journal of Educational Studies. Vol.48. pp. 154-159. 2002

上一篇:Chen Jian
下一篇:Deng Tao

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