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[Study@NENU Vlog]No.6:Love Crosses Borders: International Student Volunteers at Northeast Normal University

发布日期:2024-03-26    作者:     来源:     点击:

In this vibrant spring season, Northeast Normal University welcomes a new batch of international students to its campus. It is a time filled with energy and hope, and our international student volunteers bear a special mission — to warmly welcome and assist every new student with dedication.

Volunteering is not just a responsibility; it's a heartfelt commitment. We participate in welcoming activities, providing various assistance and guidance to the new students. Moreover, we organize cultural exchange events, enriching the campus with diverse flavors.

Volunteering is not just an experience; it's a journey of growth. Throughout this process, we learn the importance of communication and cooperation, as well as the values of care and dedication. We have been touched by numerous moments and gained valuable insights.

Now, we sincerely invite everyone to join the International Student Volunteer Team. Let's together build a warm family at Northeast Normal University, enrich the campus cultural life, and grow and progress together!

Finally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all volunteers for their dedication and contributions.

Author’s Introduction

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