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Zhang Wenliang

发布日期:2023-12-04    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Zhang Wenliang Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title Associate professor
Email zhangwl953@nenu.edu.cn Major Library Science and Information Science
Research Area 1. Library management
2. Information behavior
3. Digital humanities
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

2009-2011 School of Information Science and Technology, Northeast Normal University  

Library science    Master of Management

2011-2014 Department of Information Resource Management, Business School, Nankai University

Library science    Doctor of Management

Academic Achievements:

1. Zhang Wenliang, JIA Dongqin, Ke Ping. Maintain Traditional Research Areas and Keeping Innovating in a Changing World:The Education Thought of Library Science with Chinese Characteristics [J]. Library, 2019(10):8-12+33.

2. Zhang Wenliang, Liu Peiwang. Persistence and Innovation: An Analysis of the Dual Paths for the Future Development of Library Science Education [J]. Library and Information, 2019(06):87-93.

3. Zhang Wenliang, Liu Peiwang. Application and Development Strategy of Short Video APP in Library Promotion: Statistical Analysis Based On Platform Data [J]. Research On Library Science, 2019(14):34-39+33.

4. Zhang Wenliang, Wang Zhitong. Survey and Analysis on the Provincial Library Alliances in China [J]. Journal of The Library Science Society of Sichuan, 2022(05):10-15.

5. Zhang Wenliang, Li Jing. Research on the Influencing factors and Service Improvement Strategies of Digital Youth's Willingness to Pay for Digital Reading [J]. Information and Documentation Services, 2022,43(04):61-70.

上一篇:Zhang Libiao

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