Educational Background:
1997—2001 Bachelor of Art from the School of Media Science, Northeast Normal University
2002—2005 Master of Art from the School of Media Science, Northeast Normal University
2010—2017 Doctoral degree from the Faculty of Education, Northeast Normal University
2013—2014 Visiting Scholar of the University of Toronto, Innis College
Academic Achievements:
1. Holistic Education for Children in China and Canada ,DEStech Publications,Inc,HCSSD2016。(CPCI-SSH)
2.Induction of Full-Process Operation System of Teaching Video and Study on Elementary Process,DEStech Publications,Inc,AEME2017. (CPCI-SSH)
3. Jia Ruo,Wang Wenhao. Exploration of "Masked Singer Guess" in music-based reality TV program[J]. Contemporary TV,2017(03):56-57
4. Jia Ruo,Liu Fang Ye. The innovation path of the cultural program "Classical Chanting"[J]. Contemporary TV,2018(12):56-57.
5. Jia Ruo,Chen Zhaoyang,Sun Leqi. A preliminary study on the relationship between Huanglongfu culture and Huanglong opera[J]. Popular Literature and Art,2019(06):161-162.