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Li Gang

发布日期:2023-11-28    作者:     来源:     点击:
Name Li Gang Mentor Type Master’s supervisor
Gender Male Professional Title Associate professor
Email Lig821@nenu.edu.cn Major Curriculum and Instructional Theory
Research Area 1.Curriculum and Teaching
2.Science Education (STEM Education)
3.Teacher Education
Instruction Language Chinese、English

Educational Background:

2008.09-2012.06,Bachelor of Engineering from the School of Physics, Northeast Normal University

2014.09-2019.06,Doctor of Education from the School of Education,Northeast Normal University(Combined Master’s and Ph.D. Program)

Academic Achievements:

1.Li Gang, Connotation pointing and design ideas of interdisciplinary theme learning activities in compulsory education[J]. Curriculum-Materials-Pedagogy, 2023(07):11-17.

2.Li Gang.Reasoning-Representation-Explanation: Constructing a Logical Framework for Teachers' Big Idea Teaching[J].International and Comparative Education,,2022,44(04):72-77+87.

3.Li Gang. The Construction of high-quality curriculum for basic education in China in the new era[J]. Curriculum. Teaching materials And Methods,2021,41(11):35-41.

4.Li Gang. Classroom Moral Education in the Perspective of Teacher Moral Construction in the New Era[J]. Thought Theory Education,2021(07):97-102.

5.Li Gang,Lv Lijie.The Science Big Idea in Science Education: Pointing to the Acquisition of Students’ Scientific Idea[J].Studies in Dialectics of Nature,2019,35(09):121-127.

6.Li Gang,Lv Lijie. From STEM education to STEAM education:An analysis of the role of art(Arts)[J]. China Electronic Education,2018(09):31-39+47.

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