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Notice on Organizing Harbin Ice & Snow Culture Study Trip for NENU International Students

发布日期:2014-12-11    作者:     来源:     点击:

Dear International Students:

ISO will organize a Harbin Ice & Snow Culture Study Trip for all international students on December 27-28, 2014. Any international student who is interested in the trip can register in ISO on December 15-16,2014. (9:00-11:00,14:00-16:00).

Applicants: All NENU International Students

Required Documents: a copy of passport, student ID and 300 RMB/Person (NENU will pay for 700 RMB for each applicant)

Place: ISO (Room 624, Administration Building)

The application number is limited to 100 international students. First come, first served.

Draft schedule: December 27: go to Harbin by bus, visit snow sculpture and Ice & Snow World

December 28: visit Sophia Cathedral and Central Avenue and go back to Changchun after lunch

International Students Office

Department of International Cooperation & Exchange

Northeast Normal University

December 11, 2014

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