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Application of NENU Excellent International Students

发布日期:2016-11-24    作者:     来源:     点击:

Dear international students,

In order to further improve our international students’learning initiative,

encouraging students to participate in extra-curricular activities and

enriching the campus life, the school is going to award excellent international


Applicants:All international students

Awards:Outstanding Student Award, Best Individual in

Extra-curricular Activities, Best Dorm Award

Awarding Procedures:This activity will be carried out

according to the specific rules and regulations. Awarding rules are set by the

ISO. The ISO will adhere to the principles of fairness, impartiality and


Quota for Awards:8 for each award

Relevant Information:a. Deadline: Students need to fill out

the Declaration Form ( →download area→Application Form of

Distinguished International Student Scholarship).

Please hand in the form with other supporting documents before 16:30, December 2.

Best Dorm Awards will be recommended by Shixun Building and International

Students Dormitory. b. Award-winners will be announced on December16. The

prize money and certificates will be awarded at the International Students New

Year Party.

Note: 1. International Student who did not register on

time this semester cannot apply for any award. 2. International Students who

missed class more than 10 times cannot apply for any award.

Division of International Cooperation

and Exchange

November 22, 2016

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