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Attendance and leave

发布日期:2011-10-09    作者:     来源:     点击:

1. Checking attendance

NENU will check the attendance of classroom teaching, examination, and other teaching activities. Students, who cannot attend, shall ask for a leave in advance. Students without asking for leaves or the leave permission will be treated as absenteeism, if they do not attend. NENU will impose corresponding punishment on the students, according to regulations. Students who have been absent for more than one third of the total class hours will lose the qualification to participate in the examination, and their scores will be calculated as zero.

2. Asking for leaves

Except holidays, foreign students must keep on studying at school. In special cases, they shall go to foreign students’ office to ask for leaves. Without asking for leave, foreign students shall not leave the school. Otherwise, they shall be treated asabsenteeism.

(1)The process of asking for leaves

Foreign students who ask for leave shall directly go to the Foreign Student Office to handle. They shall receive and carefully fill in the leave application sheet, and return the sheet for the record, after the departments or schools involved draw the comments and seal the stamps. After the duration of leave, the students shall report back after leave of absence. Students who are in the special cases shall apply for prolonged leave .Students that neither report back after leave of absence nor apply for prolonged leave will be treated as absenteeism.

(2) The types of leaves

Sick leave: Students who cannot attend the course because of illness shall go to the foreign students’ office to apply for leaves, carrying Diagnosis proofs issued by national hospitals.

Private affair leave: In general cases, students can not apply for private affair leave. If they need to apply for private affair leave, the students shall go to the foreign students’ office to apply for leaves, with the written application.

Off-campus research: The duration of off campus research shall not exceed two months.

Scholarship living expenses of the scholarship students, who drop out or return their countries for certain reasons, will be stopped form the next month after their leaving China. For students who do not go to school for registration on time and leave school or cut classes for non health reasons for more than one month, their scholarship living expenses will be stopped This regulation will be implemented from January 1st, 2014.

下一篇:Schooling Suspension

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