2007年9月 – 2011年1月,中国科学院长春应用化学研究所,理学博士学位,分析化学专业。导师:董绍俊院士(第三世界院士)
2004年9月 – 2007年7月,东北师范大学,硕士学位,分析化学专业。导师:郭黎平教授
2000年9月 – 2004年7月,东北师范大学,学士学位,化学专业。导师:梁兆君高级工程师
(1) Flexible Biofuel Cell-In-A-Tube (iezTube): An Entirely Self-Contained Biofuel Cell for Wearable Green Bio-energy Harvesting, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(48): 2209697.
(2) A Bifunctional Fully Integrated Wearable Tracker for Epidermal Sweat and Wound Exudate Multiple Biomarkers Monitoring, Small, 2022, 18(46): 2205061. (†Co-first authors)
(3) A Flexible Microfluidic Chip-Based Universal Fully Integrated Nanoelectronic System with Point-of-Care Raw Sweat, Tears, or Saliva Glucose Monitoring for Potential Noninvasive Glucose Management, Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(3): 1890-1900.
(4) Universal Fully Integrated Wearable Sensor Arrays for the Multiple Electrolyte and Metabolite Monitoring in Raw Sweat, Saliva, or Urine, Analytical Chemistry, 2023, 95(16): 6690–6699.
(5)A Flexible and Wearable Epidermal Ethanol Biofuel Cell for On-body and Real-time Bioenergy Harvesting from Human Sweat, Nano Energy, 2021, 86: 106061.