2012/09-2015/06 吉林大学,哲学与社会学院科学技术哲学,博士
2003/09-2006/06 吉林大学,哲学与社会学院应用心理学,硕士
1999/09-2003/06 吉林师范大学,教育科学学院小学教育,学士
2.侯春娜,刘志军.心理表征的可视化途径:基于噪音的反向相关图像分类技术.心理科学进展, 2019,27(3)
3.Chunna Hou,Zhijun Liu. The survival processing advantage of face: the memorization of the (un)trustworthy face contributes more to survival adaptation. Evolutionary Psychology,2019,17(2)
4.Chunna Hou, Yuzhen Wu, & Zhijun Liu.Career decision-making self-efficacy mediates the effect of social support on career adaptability: A longitudinal study. Social Behavior and Personality,2019,5
5.Chunna Hou , Zhijun Liu. Tacit knowledge mediates the effect of family socioeconomic status on career adaptability. Social Behavior and Personality,2021,6