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发布日期:2023-11-15    作者:     来源:     点击:
导师姓名 曹春 导师类型 硕士生导师、博士生导师
性别 专业技术职务 教授
邮箱 caoc774@nenu.edu.cn 专业 高等教育学
研究方向 1.来华留学生的跨文化融入
指导语言 汉语、英语


1998-2003:大连外国语大学  学士学位

2005-2007:吉林大学  硕士学位

2012-2017:比利时布鲁塞尔自由大学  博士学位


1. Cao, C., Meng, Q., & Zhang, H. (2023). A longitudinal examination of WeChat usage intensity, behavioral engagement, and cross-cultural adjustment among international students in China. Higher Education (SSCI 一区期刊), DOI: .10.1007/s10734-023-01029-5

2. Cao, C., & Jia, W. (2023). International students’ social use of WeChat and sociocultural adjustment: coping self-efficacy as a longitudinal mediator. Education and Information Technologies (SSCI一区期刊), DOI:.10.1007/s10639-023-12044-5

3. Cao, C., Shang, L., & Meng, Q. (2020). Applying the job demands-resources model to exploring predictors of innovative teaching among university teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education (SSCI一区期刊), 89, 1-10.

4. Cao, C., Zhu, C., & Meng, Q. (2021). Chinese International Students’ Coping Strategies, Social Support Resources in Response to Academic Stressors: Does Heritage Culture or Host Context Matter?. Current Psychology (SSCI一区期刊),40,242-252.

5. Cao, C., & Meng, Q. (2020). Effects of online and direct contact on Chinese international students’ social capital in intercultural networks: testing moderation of direct contact and mediation of global competence. Higher Education (SSCI一区期刊), 80, 625-643.

6. Cao, C., & Meng, Q. (2020). Exploring personality traits as predictors of English achievement and global competence among Chinese university students: English learning motivation as the moderator. Learning and Individual Differences (SSCI二区期刊), 77, 1-10.



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