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发布日期:2023-11-21    作者:     来源:     点击:
导师姓名 江廷磊 导师类型 硕士生导师、博士生导师
性别 专业技术职务 教授
邮箱 jiangtl730@nenu.edu.cn 专业 生态学
研究方向 1.动物生态学
指导语言 汉语、英语


2001.09-2005.07  云南师范大学生命科学学院生物技术专业本科生

2005.09-2010.07  东北师范大学城市与环境科学学院环境科学专业研究生

2008.12-2009.12  美国加州大学洛杉矶分校生理科学系联合培养博士


Wang ZQ, Gong LX, Huang ZLY, Geng Y, Zhang WJ, Si M, Wu H, Feng J*, Jiang TL*. 2023. Linking changes in individual specialization and population niche of space use across seasons in the great evening bat (Ia io). Movement Ecology, 11(1): 32.

Gong LX, Geng Y, Wang ZQ, Lin AQ, Wu H, Feng L, Huang Z, Wu H, Feng J*. Jiang TL*. 2022. Behavioral innovation and genomic novelty are associated with the exploitation of a challenging dietary opportunity by an avivorous bat. iScience, 25(9): 104973.

Wu YH*, Fan LC, Bai L, Li QQ, Gu H, Sun CN, Jiang TL*, Feng J*. 2022. Ambush predation and the origin of euprimates. Science Advances, 8: eabn6248.

Liu BY, Chen XL, Zhou L, Li JY, Wang D, Yang WT, Wu H, Yao J, Yang GL, Wang CF, Feng J*, Jiang TL*. 2022. The gut microbiota of bats confers tolerance to influenza virus (H1N1) infection in mice. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 69(5): e1649-e1487.

Sun CN, Jiang TL*, Gu H, Guo X, Zhang CM, Gong LX, Feng J*. 2020. Geographical variation of social calls and vocal discrimination in male Himalayan leaf-nosed bats. Animal Behaviour, 170, 15-26.



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