2003.9~2007.6 吉林大学法学院 法学学士
2008.9~2010.6 东北师范大学经济学院 统计学硕士
2010.9~2013.6 东北师范大学经济学院 经济学博士
1. Variability in the impacts of partisan conflict: a new perspective from bank credit, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, forthcoming.(SSCI)
2. Evidence on clean energy consumption and business cycle: A global perspective, Natural Resources Forum, 2021, vol. 45, issue 3, 230-255 (SSCI&SCI)
3. The impact of high-frequency economic policy uncertainty on China’s macroeconomy: evidence from mixed-frequency VAR, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 2021, vol 34. Issue 1, 1-24. (SSCI)
4. Did China Effectively Manage It's Foreign Exchange Reserves? Revisiting the Currency Composition Change, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2017, 53(6), 1352–1373. (SSCI)
5. 货币政策前瞻性指引研究的最新进展,《金融评论》2020年第4期:112-122+126