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发布日期:2023-11-21    作者:     来源:     点击:
导师姓名 孟祥财 导师类型 硕士生导师
性别 专业技术职务 副教授
邮箱 xiangcaimeng@nenu.edu.cn 专业 经济学
研究方向 1.宏观经济学:动态一般均衡
指导语言 英语


2010 – 2015   日本政策研究大学院大学  经济学博士

2010 – 2012   日本政策研究大学院大学  经济学硕士

2007 – 2010   中国福州大学  经济学硕士

2001 – 2005   中国兰州大学  经济学学士


1. Joshua K. Park and Xiangcai Meng*: Crowding out or crowding in? Reevaluating the effect of government spending on private economic activities, International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 2024, 89-A: 102-117.

2. Julen Esteban-Pretel, Xiangcai Meng, and Ryuichi Tanaka*: Fiscal policy changes and labor market dynamics in Japan’s Lost Decade, Macroeconomic Dynamics (SSCI), 2022, 26-7: 1691-1730.

3. Xiangcai Meng*: The time-frequency dependence of unemployment on real input prices: A wavelet coherency and partial coherency approach, Applied Economics (SSCI), 2020, 52-10: 1124-1140.

4. Junichi Fujimoto* and Xiangcai Meng: Curse or Blessing: Investigating the income and education of firstborns and only boys, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies (SSCI), 2019, 53, 101036.

5. Xiangcai Meng and Chia-Hsing Huang*: The time-frequency co-movement of Asian effective exchange rates: A wavelet approach with daily data, North American Journal of Economics and Finance (SSCI), 2019, 48: 131-148.

6. Xiangcai Meng and Chia-Hsing Huang*: Nonlinear models for the sources of real effective exchange rate fluctuations: Evidence from the Republic of Korea, Japan and the World Economy (SSCI), 2016, 40: 21-30.



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